Welcome to the Traditional Karate site:

The Teachings of a Master:

"Be dilligent and persevere.
Martial arts require hard training.
The rock is harder than water, but the water wears and washes away the hard rock.
It is only through patient training that we can reach our goals and see good results from our effort.
Regular training is essential.
The only way to make progress is to never, never stop practicing".

Select your chosen interest:

The Essence of Karate-do - written by Master Gichin FUNAKOSHI

Important things to know about Karate-do

Learn the Dojo Kun

A definition of Karate-do

The Karate-do teacher

The origins of Karate-do

Shotokan Kata

Dojo: centers to practice Karate-do

F.I.K.T.A.(Italian Federation Tradizional Karate)

I.S.I. Institute of Shotokan Italy - Tuscany -

Where to find self defence courses

Information - Competitions, training day courses and rules

Karate-do Masters

Karate-do Masters Interviewed

The Reflection Page

The study of strategy and tactics - similarities between Karate-do and other arts

This link lets you access messages sent to the Karate-do / Zen forum

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Technical Section

For younger readers!


News Update

Various Information about Japanese history and culture

Zen and the history of Zen


letters to us

Martial arts and the dark side of the moon

technology and sport

Italian Tax law and sporting associations / clubs

Other sites to visit

Do you have a club who practice Katate-do? Contact us for free publicity on our site!

Site last updated: 6 february 2006
(C) 1997 arc - karate@karate-do.it
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