tekki shodan

A large part of technical knowledge in Traditional Karate (Karate-do) is transmitted through KATA, (this translates as "form"). Kata contain all the necessary elements to teach Karate-do and are structured in a way that allows the correct "evolution" and growth of practioners over the years. Kata also tend to develop the practioner's co-ordination, breathing, agility, strength, kime etc. When examined from a purely aesthetic view point we could say that Kata is solely a combination of blocks, counter attacks and movements that are organized in a pre-set order, following an exact rhythm; simulating a fight against numerous adversaries. Another element found within Kata is undoubtably the simplicity - superfluous movements just don’t exist - every movement has been painstakingly studied by past Karate Masters. Even the idea of modifying them is like ripping a chapter out of a precious manuscript that has survived untill today thanks to the dedication and care of our predessessors. Every Master of Traditional Karate, never mind what individual style practiced, has the duty and moral obligation to study and protect these "manuscripts" for future generations.<hr>


1)- Yio No Kisin: Correct mental attitude.
2)- Inyo: Active and Passive (defence and attack).
3)- Chikara No Kiojaku: Strength.
4)- Waza No Kankyu: Speed.
5)- Taino Shin Shoku: Concentration.
6)- Kokyu: Breathing.
7)- Tyakugan: Meaning.
8)- Kiai: The union of body and mind.
9)- Keitai No Hoji: Correct positions.
10)- Zanshin: The state of continiuos mental awareness.

Di seguito i Kata dello Shotokan:

HEIAN - Meaning: The way of peace (literally: "calmness of mind").
These kata are part of the first five "fundamental" kata: Heian ShodanHeian Nidan, Heian Sandan, Heian Yondan, Heian Godan.

TEKKI - Meaning: Rider of steel.
These are the only kata that develop in a straight line. They belong to a group of kata called the "Higher" kata. The Three variations are: Tekki Shodan (which generally marks the diffence between the "Fundamental" Heian kata and the other "Higher" kata), Tekki Nidan e Tekki Sandan

KANKU-DAI - Meaning: Searching the sky.

HANGETSU - Meaning: Half moon

GANKAKU - Meaning: Crane on the rock.

ENPI- Meaning: Flight of the swallow.

BASSAI-DAI - Meaning: Penetrating the fortress.

JION - Meaning: Probably a reference to a famous Buddist temple.

JITTE - Meaning: Ten hands; it is said that who masters this kata can face and defeat Ten adversaries.




SOCHIN - Meaning: Defending peace.